Ignacio Rozada

Principal Optimization Solutions Scientist

Ignacio holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of British Columbia, where he specialized in understanding pattern formation in growing domains. He also holds a Master of Science degree (joint work at the University of New Mexico and Los Alamos National Labs), and a Bachelor degree in Physics from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Prior to joining 1QBit, Ignacio worked for five years determining the conditions necessary to eradicate HIV and HCV by building mathematical models that incorporated a combination of laboratory and population data. At 1QBit, his work consists of developing algorithms to solve computationally hard problems. Ignacio is a voracious reader and passionate about the outdoors; he enjoys sailing, backcountry adventures, and family cycling trips. Occasionally, he can be found bashing other people with medieval weapons. In addition, he is very fond of modern cooking technology and loves cooking delicious things in temperature and humidity controlled devices.