Get insights on trends and predictions in advanced and quantum computing, and find out how to get quantum ready.

Photo by Steve Jurvetson
Get insights on trends and predictions in advanced and quantum computing, and find out how to get quantum ready.
Photo by Steve Jurvetson
Karen Scanlan is the Director of People Operations at 1QBit. While working as an editor for a legal publication, she became interested in the employment side of human rights, which led her to an HR consulting firm. There, she learned the importance of hiring the best talent and then keeping that talent through engagement, development, and recognition.
Transportation and delivery make up a significant portion of the cost of many products. As society’s demands become more complex and fast-paced, optimizing route logistics can result in huge savings for many companies. In recent years, researchers have been inspired by quantum computing to create better optimization algorithms now, and even better ones in the future as quantum technology matures.
When deciding to buy, sell, or hold a particular investment, it can be tempting to simply look at the spot price or volume data and go from there. For those not acquainted with these terms, the spot price of an asset is the current price in the marketplace at which it can be bought or sold for immediate delivery. Volume data quantifies the number of shares traded and, for futures and options, it reveals how many contracts have changed hands.